Exe Estuary, Devon

Exe Estuary, Exmouth LNR
This Board depicts an aerial view of one of Britain's most important wildlife sites, the Exe Estuary.
Now upgraded to a NNR. Up to 25,000 wildfowl winter on the River Exe.

Where there's mud.... there's life
This board depicts the ecology, and the importance of mud flats of the Exe Estuary as a fertile resource of food for the flocks of visiting birds. Each square metre can contain countless thousands of worms, shellfish and other invertebrates. Some of these flocks may have travelled over 3,000 miles. These boards are in an area accessible to the less mobile and an interesting aspect of this board is that some of the surfaces around the shapes of the shells have been raised, [made tactile] to enable less sighted people to enjoy some aspects of this interpretation board with a sighted friend.

 Countess Wear Paper Mills  Milkwood Community Park (Lambeth)
 Dawlish Town  North Devon NCN Route 27
 Dawlish Warren  Pebblebed Heaths of East Devon
 East Devon Heritage Coast  Rooksbridge (North Devon)
 East Devon Way  Seaside Award (Hele Bay)
 Exe Estuary NNR  Shute Armada Beacon (East Devon) 
 Exmoor National Park Parish Boards    Take the Train to Ivybridge
 Exmouth Town  Templer Way (Teignbridge)
 Grand Western Canal (Tiverton)  Waterfowl of Dawlish Water
 Hele Bay (Ilfracombe)  Welland Park (Market Harborough)

 Archaeological Reconstruction


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 Our self catering 4 + 2 holiday apartment, Dawlish Warren, Devon